
October 23, 2019 Akupara Games

The Ensemble of Mutazione: Part Two

The Middle Generation

Welcome back to the Ensemble of Mutazione blog series! While last week we covered the younger generation of the community, this week we’re skewing just a bit older to some of the adults and parental figures. Claire, the bookish manager of the town’s inventory; Spike, ex-patriot bartender; Ailin, who keeps everyone clean and beautiful in her bathhouse and salon; and Dennis, the island’s pessimistic handyman. 


Tung’s mother and Mori’s daughter, Claire runs the local shop out in the harbor, just by Spike’s houseboat and where Graubert moors his ferry. She’s shy, but kind and likes to do complex math to relax. She and Yoké have a small book club in the archive, she sometimes struggles with the larger-than-life presence of her mother, and she’s also doing her best as single Mom to Tung. If you read between the lines, you might even be able to deduce the identity of her secret love…


Spike arrived from the mainland twenty-four years ago, he says he “moored his boat in the harbour and never looked back”. Now, he spends his time running the bar, playing bass in the local band and caring for his adopted daughter Miu. She may be all grown up now, but he adopted her when she was young and those fatherly instincts haven’t left him yet. His houseboat is named after the heartbreak that drove him to leave the mainland, and he’s nervous about opening himself up to that kind of hurt again… But maybe he’ll find his nerve, for the right person. 


Ailin has it all; she runs the salon and bathhouse, has friends all throughout the community, loves Graubert deeply and has a baby on the way. There are few characters that love Mutazione as much as Ailin does, but that creates a bit of friction with Graubert who will always be connected to the mainland and the adventure of the sea. She’s a great listener and her easy extroverted energy means folk often pay her a visit to relax and confide in her about what’s bothering them. You’ll find plenty of characters sharing their hopes and fears with her just because she’s such an empathic listener, but it does mean that sometimes she struggles to find people to confide in…


He might be a bit standoffish, but Dennis cares about the community as much as anyone. He’s just under a ton of pressure! Dennis is the caretaker for the ailing Papu Tree, as well as  managing all the infrastructure coming into the town. On top of that, when Tung’s dad left, Dennis stepped in to help Claire take responsibility for a tempestuous teenager as well. They still get lunch at Mori’s and catch up, from time to time, but you’ll most likely find Dennis in the roots of the Papu Tree, speaking to someone very special in the pipes…

Keep an eye out for the rest of the Ensemble of Mutazione posts coming soon!