
December 16, 2017 dev

Meet the Team: Yoonsang David Yu

Marketing Manager

DnD Class: Barbarian

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Pokemon Go Team: Valor

Empire or Rebellion: Empire

Turtle: Donatello



When did you first get started in games and how?

My first game I ever played was Combat for the Atari 2600, and I have been hooked ever since.  My first job in gaming was as a QA Tester at Activision for Spider-Man 2 for PlayStation One.  I thank my lucky stars I got chosen on the Spider-Man 2 team, as the alternative would have been testing The Weakest Link game, which probably would’ve discouraged me in pursuing a career in video games.


What has been your favorite project to work on?

My favorite project I worked on was Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, mostly because the team we had were all really cool people, and the camaraderie was such to where coming to work every day was so much fun.  Fun fact, the gameplay footage seen in all promotional videos for this game is from my playthroughs (I was really good at this game)


Where do you draw inspiration from?

I’m heavily inspired by Hip-Hop, sports, art and pop culture, and am always on the lookout for cool stuff.


What is your favorite video game or series

Destiny – The gunplay is one of the best I’ve ever experienced in any FPS, as well as being the first game where I made online friends, of which, I still play with consistently to this day.

NBA 2K series – I am a diehard Laker fan, and have owned and played every version of this game on every console imaginable.  If the Lakers ever decide to field an eSports team, I will be at the tryouts.


What is your favorite tabletop game?

Puerto Rico – I never thought a game about resource management could get so intense.


If Akupara could partner with any person, who would you want to work with?

Dave Chappelle.  It would be the funniest, and probably the craziest game ever, and I could only imagine how hilarious the brainstorming sessions would be.


What is your proudest accomplishment with Akupara?

Working everyday toward helping the company grow and prosper.  I know it’s a generic and boring answer, but to see the company grow from what it was to what it is now is truly remarkable, and I look forward to seeing how far we can go.