
October 19, 2017 dev

Relic Hunters Legend Demo and Streaming

Partnering with Rogue Snail, we assisted in streaming a brand new demo of Relic Hunters Legend in support of the game’s Kickstarter campaign. The stream highlighted the cooperative multiplayer feature in game, as we joined Mark Venturelli, the creator of Relic Hunters Legend, and Caio Lima, the programmer of the game, in some four player mayhem.  Fans got a first glimpse of the game in action, and many of their burning questions were answered in the live stream.



Currently in the demo, players can choose between Ace, Jimmy, or newcomer Seven. Although the basic gameplay and movement is similar to that of it’s predecessor, Relic Hunters Zero, it features a couple new mechanics such as a cover system, special abilities, and updated graphics.


At the moment, the demo is only available to Press, but will be opened to backers of the Kickstarter near the end of the campaign. All backers will be able to create their own matches by using a password system in the lobby. Rogue Snail will be constantly updating and refining the game demo, and has already included a few new features, including a Hard Mode.


Make sure you back the Kickstarter for Relic Hunters Legend, so you can get your hands on the demo as soon as it is released, and for a limited time, backing the project will gain early access to the game.  For more information, you can visit the Relic Hunters Legend Kickstarter page.