
Keep in Mind: The Untold Story

Little Moth Games

Keep in Mind: The Untold Story is a psychological narrative game about understanding oneself and one’s repressed pain. The game follows Jonas, a man haunted by substance abuse and mental illness, into a nightmare world where he finds his demons and symbolic places of his past. With the guidance of his demons, Jonas starts to understand that his daily suffering is caused by a sinister force deep inside him, which by that force, created his nightmare. By confronting his repressed memories, he becomes stronger and more emotionally capable of overcoming his greatest demon: himself.

Immerse yourself in this shadowy and mesmerizing narrative with the use of light and sound crafted to evoke emotions in partnership with the 3D art to create a cinematic experience that guides you through the story of Jonas with his memories and uncovering the darkest truths within to find the answer to the question, “How can we heal if we do not know ourselves?”

Akupara Games published Keep in Mind: The Untold Story to Steam.



Akupara Games

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